I just can't stop shooting this watch

Ohhh after more then 2 years. I am still in love for this stunner. I can't get enough of it. For me it's the total style queen of all times!

Collecting Rolex...

As the stats of my blog show, a lot of people who are interested into vintage Rolex are visiting this blog. A lot of people who are not into collecting vintage Rolex yet also. So for these people starting the love for this fantastic watches and hobby. Here is a little review on Mondani editore. They create a lot of great books. Which for me and a lot of other collectors where the starting point of their trip.

Geneva auctions

Dear friends. Sorry for so little content lately. I was so deep into deadlines and projects. But i want to share with you my trip to Geneva i had a couple of weeks ago. To the auction weekend. It was fantastic. With the Christies/HTE party, great watches and meeting a lot of great friends.