A very British Passion

Mike Wood invited us for a very british version of meeting passionate watch-nuts.

It was a great weekend and so nice to meet up with great old friends and meet new people ... people we only know from the internet. It's always great to meet a face and have a real chat. And what nice watches where there!!!

For me also it was not about the big watches. I loved the Omani DD, the cream Speedmaster, some great gilt 5513,... and a lot of great blue Snowflakes. The variaty was great!!! That i loved most. 


27 of them!!!!

What shocked me most... all that diamonds. Ohhh noo a new trend !! ;-)

It was a great event!!! Real fun!


  1. Thank you for joining us at "A Very British Passion 2012", my friend! I was delighted you were able to meet up with us and share our enthusiasm for interesting old watches! Great photographs as always! Mike Wood

  2. Great meeting you Bernhard, thank you for the outstanding pictures as always!

  3. Thanks my friends!

    And Mike thanks for putting together such great event. I know it's a lot of work.
    And great meeting new people! Cheers Ismat. Nice to meet!



  4. Bernard, it was great to meet you at the Passion. I loved your tropical dial, the best I've seen. I'll be doing my best to find something that special to add to my small collection.
    All the best and I hope that you are feeling better now.
    Kind regards

  5. It was great to meet everyone at the Passion. I loved the collection of watches and catch up with friends. All the Best!
