Most of us like the vintage dive watches like Submariner and Seadweller. Which had their origin in the 50th. And beginning of the 60th.
The Bigcrown as a 'forefather' of the Seadweller and of course all the Submariner ranges. 6204, ... 6200,.. 6536, 6538,... 5508, ... 5512,... 5513.
But today we might often forget, the times when they where used! Also for diving. With modern technology we might often forget the risk most of the 'professional' divers took with the gear that was just invented in those days. People like Jacques Cousteau played a big part in it. But to get a bit of the spirtit, here are some images out of a vintage book about diving from the end of the 50th/beginning of the 60th. I love vintage!
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